Research Projects

Estimating the Relationship Between Nurse Staffing and Medication Pass Workload Using National Barcode Data

Measuring and assessing the relationship between inpatient nurse staffing and workload because it is challenging to systematically observe inpatient workload is difficult at the unit level in large samples. The objective of this study was to apply a novel measure of inpatient nurse workload to estimate the relationship between inpatient nurse staffing and nurse workload at the unit level during a key nursing activity, the peak-time medication pass. We found a negative relationship between the RN-to-patient ratio and average peak time medication pass duration after adjusting for unit-level patient volume and average patient severity of illness and other unit-level factors. This relationship was non-linear, the marginal effect of staffing on workload decreased as staffing increased.As unit-level nurse staffing increased, average RN workload decreased. This result suggests that interventions to improve nurse staffing may have larger non-linear effects for units with lower staffing levels.

Call the (Certified Nurse) Midwife: The Effect of Scope-of-Practice Laws on Costs, Outcomes, and Sorting

In the United States, there are substantial restrictions on who can provide healthcare and how they do so. These labor market …

Veterans Health Administration enrollees' choice of care setting relates to the expansion of care options: Evidence from screening colonoscopies before and after the MISSION Act

The VHA-share of screening colonoscopies among VHA enrollees fell in the 9 months immediately after the passage of the MISSION Act. This decline was larger for VHA enrollees who were targeted for eligibility due to a longer drive time. These results suggest that the MISSION Act led to more VHA-purchased care among targeted VHA enrollees, though it is unclear whether total utilization increased.

Determinants of referral network size for screening colonoscopies in the Veterans Health Administration after the implementation of the MISSION Act

VHA facilities with a higher volume of VHA-purchased screening colonoscopies and more rural enrollees had more non-VHA physicians providing care. Geographic variation in referral networks may also explain differences in the effects of the MISSION Act on access to care and patient outcomes.

Contextual factors influencing the association between Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansion and Veteran VA-Medicaid dual enrollment. Health Services Research, Dec 2023, Accepted.

Measuring and assessing the relationship between inpatient nurse staffing and workload because it is challenging to systematically observe inpatient workload is difficult at the unit level in large samples. The objective of this study was to apply a novel measure of inpatient nurse workload to estimate the relationship between inpatient nurse staffing and nurse workload at the unit level during a key nursing activity, the peak-time medication pass. We found a negative relationship between the RN-to-patient ratio and average peak time medication pass duration after adjusting for unit-level patient volume and average patient severity of illness and other unit-level factors. This relationship was non-linear, the marginal effect of staffing on workload decreased as staffing increased.As unit-level nurse staffing increased, average RN workload decreased. This result suggests that interventions to improve nurse staffing may have larger non-linear effects for units with lower staffing levels.

Considering the Effects of a Recent US Supreme Court's Ruling on Dialysis Care Costs

We use regression and event study approaches to examine within-family changes in monetary transfers and informal care following wealth loss, involuntary job displacement, spousal death, and health shocks in retirement-aged households.

Family Support in Hard Times: Dynamics of Intergenerational Exchange after Adverse Events

We use regression and event study approaches to examine within-family changes in monetary transfers and informal care following wealth loss, involuntary job displacement, spousal death, and health shocks in retirement-aged households.

The “Fixed” Pie Perception and Strategy in Dyadic versus Multiparty Negotiations

We propose that multiparty negotiators respond to the complexities of their negotiation context by using strategy differently than dyadic negotiators and that one reason why is that they arrive at the negotiation table with weaker fixed pie perceptions than dyadic negotiators.

The Effect of Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards on the Food Consumption of SNAP Recipient

Using plausibly exogenous variation over states and time I estimate that the introduction of EBT doubles the MPCf out of SNAP and accounts for 25 percent of its increase between 1990 and 2016.

Misclassification error when identifying job stayers in the Current Population Survey

I evaluate the degree of misclassification error when identifying job stayers in the Current Population Survey using the method proposed by Card and Hyslop (1997). I find that even though their method misclassifies approximately one-third of hourly workers, these errors do not substantially impact estimates of downward nominal wage rigidity, a common application.